
Agrarian Primitivism

Agrarian Primitivism is a social and economic ideology which supports the dissolution of civilisation, advanced society, and destruction of all non-primitive technology. The Agrarian Primitivist wishes to replace modern society with a society based on human's natural environment and early history. Agrarian Primitivism opposes technophilia and regards it as the biggest danger to humanity.

The society dreamed of by Agrarian Primitivists is one where civilisation (advanced society) does not exist and technology is prohibited. Instead, humanity resides in tribes and lives the lifestyle it was made to live. The tribes shall be consist of families and individuals who voluntarily join together to form a self-governing community. The prohibition of civilisation and technology shall be maintained by the "Technophobia Consensus", a requirement whereby all local tribes must crush any attempt at civilisation and technology. This means that if one tribe attempts to create the wheel, all other tribes in the area must put aside differences and destroy that tribe.

A common incorrect view among critics of primitivist ideologies is that all technologies are banned, the correct view is that only non-primitive technologies are banned. Tools, weapons and entertainment that existed before the rise of civilisation are permitted and promoted by Agrarian Primitivists. Another misconception is that by dissolving "civilisation", we are destroying a stable and safe society. This is further from the truth, civilisation simply means a society with technology and advanced ideals derived from technology. People often mix up civilisation (advanced society) with society (stable and safe community where you can live).

The Agrarian Primitivist political system is neither statist or anarchist, with both of these ideologies being rejected for being technophilia. In Agrarian Primitivism, the tribe is a community of humans who voluntarily live together for their common interest and abide by the Technophobia Consensus. The Agrarian Primitivist tribe is led by its leaders, who may set their own rules for their tribe as long as they do not allow civilisation or technology to be established. Tribes may form confederations together and may also ally or go to war with each other. This makes Agrarian Primitivism different to Anarcho-Primitivism, which wants the dissolution of all hierarchy.

Agrarian Primitivists are neither feminist or egalitarian,  like many so-called "Anarcho-Primitivists" are. The Agrarian Primitivist accepts the biological differences between the male and female, and accepts their respective gender roles. In a Agrarian Primitivist society, women and men will go in to their natural gender roles (such as with women raising children and men protecting their tribe from external threats). Also, Agrarian Primitivists support women birthing many children. Once the threats of technology to the environment are abolished, there is no problem with high birth rates. Instead, birth rates will maintain humanity and it is the duty of all men to impregnate their female partners, and all females to be impregnated by their partners. Women should be highly respected by Agrarian Primitivists, and their objectification is prohibited because it allows development of technology. The man in a Agrarian Primitivist society must look after his female partner and his offspring. Promiscuity is prohibited in Agrarian Primitivism because of the damage it has on the natural societal order. Marriage is also prohibited as it is a technology that promotes civilisation.

The economic system of Agrarian Primitivism is neither capitalist or socialist, instead representing ancient economics. Right for individual to own private property exists, as long as it does not promote technology or civilisation, but all members of a tribe work together to gather resources and these resources are shared among community. Primitive commerce, also known as barter, is method of transaction of goods in Agrarian Primitivist society and money is rejected as a technology. Mass commerce is prohibited in Agrarian Primitivism because of its capitalist nature, which was brought about through technology, and so advertising is also prohibited. Agrarian Primitivism also rejects socialist and fascist economics, as these are also technophile ideologies like capitalism.

Technology and civilisation must be destroyed as soon as possible by the Agrarian Primitivist. If technology exists, the Agrarian Primitivist will inevitably be destroyed by technophiles or defection to civilisation. Despite this, an Agrarian Primitivist community can temporarily exist under the protection of a technophile empire. However, the Agrarian Primitivist community must eventually destroy this technophile society.

Another issue for the Agrarian Primitivist is the intellectual, who are the torchbearers of technophilia. Intellectuals must be eradicated as soon as possible to achieve Agrarian Primitivism. For reference, an intellectual is not a smart person but someone who advances knowledge and develops technology and civilisation. Also, most science is also an enemy of Agrarian Primitivism as it allows the development of technology. The only permitted science is the study of what objects are safe to eat or not to eat. Agrarian Primitivism is a "secular" ideology, in that freedom of belief is permitted unless it promotes civilisation.

The use of non-primitive technology for the destruction of technology and civilisation is permitted, as such happened under the rule of Pol Pot in Democratic Kampuchea. It is also highly advised that to establish Agrarian Primitivism, a totalitarian agrarian regime must come to power globally to destroy civilisation, technology and intellectuals.

Primitivists of the world, unite!
